How Does Plasma IQ Differ From BOTOX Injections?

As medical anti-aging treatments become more popular, savvy consumers want to know more about their options. When it comes to reducing the signs of aging, Plasma IQ and BOTOX injections have the same goal, but there are a few crucial ways in which they’re different.

At Ageless Aesthetics, our team uses BOTOX and other injectables to treat lines and wrinkles at our Warner Robins, GA office. We draw in clients from Macon,
GA, South Georgia counties, and areas south of Atlanta.

Keep reading to find out if BOTOX or Plasma IQ is the option for you.

What is BOTOX?

BOTOX is a purified form of botulism toxin that is injected into the muscles of the face. The muscles that are injected are the ones that cause our faces to move in a way that leads to forehead lines, lines between the brows, Crow’s feet around the eyes, and other dynamic facial lines. The more we move our muscles, the more these lines become set in and appear on our faces, even at rest.

By blocking signals to these muscles, BOTOX injections reduce our ability to create these lines and let our skin rest to smooth out any set-in lines on the face.

The results of BOTOX typically last 3 – 4 months.

What is the Plasma IQ?

Plasma IQ is a hand-held plasma energy device designed to tighten and smooth skin. It penetrates the skin to destroy cells and stimulate your body’s healing response.

As we age, our bodies don’t naturally produce as much collagen and elastin (two vital parts of maintaining taut, plump skin). As a result, we see sagging and lines. Plasma IQ targets collagen and protein-producing cells called fibroblasts, prompting your body to initiate a process that regenerates collagen and elastin at a faster rate, giving patients a smooth, lifted look.

The results can last from 1 – 3 years and address lines as well as acne scars.

How are the Plasma IQ and BOTOX injections different?

There are some significant differences between BOTOX and Plasma IQ that can affect which kind of treatment a client seeks.

For example:

  • BOTOX can be used preventatively to help ward off future lines and wrinkles, while Plasma IQ removes already set facial lines in small areas on the face and body.
  • Plasma IQ creates micro-injuries (or ablations) to remove troublesome areas on the skin and prompt healing, while BOTOX uses a chemical to temporarily paralyze muscles.
  • Plasma IQ treatment typically requires more downtime and aftercare to prevent scabs from turning into long-term marks, while BOTOX requires just a few hours of avoiding facial pressure and rubbing.
  • You can see the results of BOTOX almost immediately (even though full effects can take a week to appear), whereas Plasma IQ can take up to two weeks to show results.

Get BOTOX in Macon, GA

The team at Ageless Aesthetics strives to provide the best treatment options for all our clients. We’re always willing to discuss your aesthetic goals and treatment options and advise you on the best possible course of action.

If you’re in the Macon, GA area, the south GA counties, or areas south of Atlanta, schedule a consultation to learn more about which treatment will help you reach your goals.

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