What Are the Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

The lymphatic system is a key part of your body’s immune system. A lymphatic drainage massage encourages blood circulation, immune functions, and fluid balance. The massage technique is used to treat a wide array of conditions, such as lymphedema after a mastectomy, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

If you are interested in learning if a lymphatic drainage massage is the right choice for your particular needs, then we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our team at Ageless Aesthetics in Macon, GA. Our team treats patients throughout Atlanta. They will meet with you to evaluate your health and determine if a lymphatic drainage massage is an ideal addition to your treatment plan.

All about lymphatic drainage massage benefits

Lymphatic massage offers many benefits, such as the following:

  • Removes bacteria and other toxins that can collect in the lymphatic fluid within the skin’s tissues
  • Helps relieve pressure within the tissue
  • Redirects lymphatic fluid to encourage drainage
  • Relieves inflammation caused by the accumulation of lymphatic fluid, which leads to lymphedema

During a lymphatic massage, the healthcare provider performing the massage will stretch your skin and work to direct the lymph flow. The massage methods start out near the torso and then move outward down the limb. The massages take anywhere from 15 – 60 minutes.

Each massage follows a laid-out sequence that includes a combination of cupping, compressing, stretching, and gliding motions across the skin’s surface, working the tissue deeply to move the lymphatic fluid. The movements ensure that the lymph fluid flows through the nodes and tissues without getting trapped again.

Lymphatic drainage massage focuses on two crucial steps to treat lymphedema in the tissues:

  • Clearing: A process during the massage that frees the lymphatic fluid from the tissue
  • Reabsorption: This is the step of the massage process that actually moves the lymphatic fluid toward the lymph nodes to relieve swelling and ensure reabsorption of the fluid

What will a lymphatic massage treat?

The body’s lymphatic system is made up of nodes and vessels that carry and filter proteins, waste products, water, and immune system elements. Lymph nodes are located in the armpits, groin, and neck.

Individuals who suffer from lymphedema experience a backup of the lymph fluid that causes swelling in the arms and legs, and the fluid accumulates in the soft tissues. Lymphedema occurs from surgery, genetic disorders, infections, and cancer treatments.

Sufferers of lymphedema experience:

  • Pain
  • Tissue swelling
  • Feeling of heaviness in the lungs
  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Thickening and hardening of the skin
  • Infections

The swelling might not always go down quickly. It can take several lymphatic massages to gain relief. In some cases, the massage might not impact the lymphedema, and you may have to seek other medical treatment options.

Schedule a consultation about lymphatic drainage massage in Macon, GA

We encourage you to schedule a consultation with our team at Ageless Aesthetics in Macon, GA to learn about lymphatic drainage massage, especially if you suffer from lymphedema. Our team will answer all of your questions and determine if lymphatic massage is the right option for your healthcare needs. Contact us to learn more.

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