Get Back To Smooth And Healthy Skin With A HydraFacial®

Over time, our skin is often the first feature to show visible signs of aging. From lines and wrinkles to age spots and sun damage, both aging and lifestyle choices can certainly take a toll on your complexion. For men and women who are hoping to boost their skin care routine with a medical-grade treatment that will restore healthier, smoother, more radiant skin, the HydraFacial may be an ideal solution. At Ageless Aesthetics in Macon, GA, A member of our expert team of providers can help you improve the health and vibrancy of your skin with custom HydraFacials. Read on to learn more about the benefits of a HydraFacial and what results may be possible for you.

What is a HydraFacial?

The HydraFacial is a customizable medical-grade treatment designed to target a wide variety of skin concerns and rejuvenate the patient’s complexion and overall skin health. Each HydraFacial involves six advanced steps, including:

  • Cleansing
  • Exfoliation
  • Extraction
  • Hydration
  • Nourishing serum
  • Protection

To begin your HydraFacial in Macon, GA, we will thoroughly evaluate your skin type, discuss your concerns and goals, and recommend a customized selection of serums and products for use during your treatment. Each HydraFacial takes about 30 – 45 minutes to complete, during which time patients can relax in one of our private and comfortable treatment rooms.

How does a HydraFacial help your skin?

One of the most exciting benefits of a HydraFacial is that it can improve a long list of skin concerns while simultaneously boosting the health and overall glow of your skin. Some of the most common skin problems that can be addressed with a HydraFacial include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • Sun spots
  • Age spots
  • Discoloration
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Dry skin
  • Rough skin texture
  • Scaly patches
  • Oily skin
  • Dehydrated skin

How long do HydraFacial results last?

Patients should notice an immediate difference in their skin after a HydraFacial, with their results continuing to improve over the next several days. To help preserve your glowing complexion over time, we may recommend regular HydraFacial treatments once per month.

Can I get a HydraFacial while pregnant?

With the rising popularity of the HydraFacial, more and more women are interested in treatment. For pregnant women, a common question is whether or not HydraFacial during pregnancy is safe. Because each HydraFacial is completely customized,we may suggest omitting or adjusting certain steps or products in your treatment to ensure it is safe and comfortable for you. Alternatively, one of our providers can suggest another skin rejuvenation treatment for patients who may prefer to wait until after pregnancy to have a HydraFacial.

Get smooth, silky, glowing skin with a customized HydraFacial in Central Georgia

Whether you are frustrated by discoloration or embarrassed about your large pores, our dedicated team of aesthetic experts can help. To learn more about how a custom HydraFacial can help transform your skin and leave you looking and feeling more radiant than ever, call Ageless Aesthetics in Macon, GA to schedule your one-on-one consultation with a member of our team today!

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